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Sartorius RC white ,sterile, 0.45µ, 47mm, 100Pk - 009X008X005

Sartorius RC white ,sterile, 0.45µ, 47mm, 100Pk - 009X008X005

224,00 € *
Inhalt: 100 Stück (2,24 € * / 1 Stück)

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  • 2546566
  • 18406--47----ACN
These solvent-resistant, hydrophilic membrane filters are excellently suited for their major... mehr

These solvent-resistant, hydrophilic membrane filters are excellently suited for their major application, particle removal from solvents. The 50mm diameter, 0.45µm pore size filter for example, is standardly used to ultraclen and de-gas solvents and mobile phases for HPLC, in combination with the all-glass holder. Regenerated cellulose membrane also feature low non-specific-adsorption.Sterile, gridded membrane filters are widely used for routine microbiological quality control due to the benefits they offer. Whether single-packed or dispenser-ready, the membrane filters are ready-to-use and each filter is individually packed, offering highest security whilst saving preparatory time. Each individual envelope is marked with the filter identification and lot number. The membrane filters are available in different pore sizes and three different material types. Cellulose nitrate filters (mixed cellulose ester) contain a mixture of cellulose nitrate and cellulose acetate, a material which assures effective retention combined with high flow rates and optimal colony growth. Cellulose acetate combines high flow rates and thermal stability with very low adsorption characteristics. The various filter colors allow the best possible contrast to the colonies for easy and reliable quantification and identification. Outstanding recovery rates for microorganisms 0.45 µm filters acc. to ISO 7704 High flow membranes available Three different colors Various pore sizes Certified quality Gamma irradiated at 25 kGray The membrane filters are in accordance with the following norms: ISO 7704, ISO 7899-2, ISO 8199, ISO 9308-1 and EN 12780.

Folgende Infos zum Hersteller sind verfübar...... mehr

Die Kunden von Sartorius arbeiten hart daran, Medikamente zu entwickeln und herzustellen, die das Fortschreiten von Krankheiten heilen, verhindern oder stoppen. Um erfolgreich zu sein, verlassen sie sich auf Partner, die ihre aktuellen und zukünftigen Herausforderungen verstehen. Seit 150 Jahren steht die Marke Sartorius für innovative Produkte und Lösungen, die die Arbeit von Wissenschaftlern und Ingenieuren weltweit unterstützen. Dabei hat Satorius sich zunehmend darauf konzentriert, Durchbrüche in der Life-Science-Forschung und der Bioproduktion zu ermöglichen.

Sartorius CN green-d. green, non-sterile, 0.45 µm - 137X303X53 Sartorius CN green-d. green, non-sterile, 0.45 µm - 137X303X53
Inhalt 1000 Stück (0,88 € * / 1 Stück)
880,00 €
Bestell-Nr.: 1926573
Hersteller-Art.-Nr.: 13806--47------R
Sartorius Technical papers, creped/ Grade 37/N - 070X070X005 Sartorius Technical papers, creped/ Grade 37/N - 070X070X005
Inhalt 100 Stück (4,98 € * / 1 Stück)
498,00 €
Bestell-Nr.: 1928523
Hersteller-Art.-Nr.: FT-3-480-700
Zuletzt angesehen