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Sartorius Safety weighing cab. w/o filt. 890x510mm

Sartorius Safety weighing cab. w/o filt. 890x510mm

14.150,00 € *
Inhalt: 1 Stück

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  • 2549884
  • SWC900TNF
Appropriate protective measures must be taken to protect the health of all laboratory staff when... mehr

Appropriate protective measures must be taken to protect the health of all laboratory staff when they weigh hazardous compounds in powdered form. The Sartorius SWC Safety Weighing Cabinet offers important advantages in design and construction over traditional laboratory hoods: The SWC creates a contained area around the laboratory balance which prevents any air or finely powdered particulates from escaping into the operating personnel's work area. At the same time, the constant inlet air velocity and the special cabinet construction both keep the air current practically turbulence-free, and, as a result, ensure consistent and repeatable weighing results. The balance and weighing cabinet are perfectly matched to each other. With its SWC Safety Weighing Cabinet, Sartorius has succeeded in uniting two otherwise contradictory requirements: maximum personnel protection and reliable weighing results. The balance and weighing cabinet are perfectly matched to each other Maximum personnel protection: contained area around the laboratory balance which prevents any air or finely powdered particles from escaping into the operating personnel´s work area Reliable weighing results: air current practically turbulence-free, and, consistent and repeatable weighing results. Clear acrylic glass construction with perfect view of the balance and the sample to be weighed Extremely stable base made of black granite absorbs vibrations Contaminated materials can be disposed of safely in a double-bag system Calibrated airflow alarm system with audit trail function sounds an alarm whenever the airflow velocity drops below a defined level

Folgende Infos zum Hersteller sind verfübar...... mehr

Die Kunden von Sartorius arbeiten hart daran, Medikamente zu entwickeln und herzustellen, die das Fortschreiten von Krankheiten heilen, verhindern oder stoppen. Um erfolgreich zu sein, verlassen sie sich auf Partner, die ihre aktuellen und zukünftigen Herausforderungen verstehen. Seit 150 Jahren steht die Marke Sartorius für innovative Produkte und Lösungen, die die Arbeit von Wissenschaftlern und Ingenieuren weltweit unterstützen. Dabei hat Satorius sich zunehmend darauf konzentriert, Durchbrüche in der Life-Science-Forschung und der Bioproduktion zu ermöglichen.

Alle Varianten

Name / Ausführung
Preis / Inhalt
2549882 Sartorius Safety weighing cab. w/o filt. 890x510mm
13.540,00 €
Inhalt: 1 Stück
2549884 Sartorius Safety weighing cab. w/o filt. 890x510mm
14.150,00 €
Inhalt: 1 Stück
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