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Sartorius Vivaspin Turbo 15 RC 5kDa, 12pc - 163X130X140

Sartorius Vivaspin Turbo 15 RC 5kDa, 12pc - 163X130X140

177,00 € *
Inhalt: 2 Stück (88,50 € * / 1 Stück)

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  • 3647264
  • VS15TR11
Vivaspin ® Turbo 15 RC can process samples up to 15 mL in swing-out rotors or 9 mL in... mehr

Vivaspin ® Turbo 15 RC can process samples up to 15 mL in swing-out rotors or 9 mL in fixed-angle rotors, which are suitable for 50 ml Falcon tubes. The newly developed Regenerated Cellulose (RC) membrane, dedicated for Lab Ultrafiltration applications ensures an optimal recovery, retention and speed of concentration. Alongside the high recovery Vivaspin® Turbo Polyethersulfone (PES) range, the Vivaspin® Turbo centrifugal concentrators provide the only 4-15mL centrifugal device with both PES and RC membrane options. The combination and user choice ensure the Vivaspin® Turbo range will provide the best performance for all sample types.  The optimized design of the Vivaspin ® Turbo 15 RC, the smooth and slim inner shape, guarantees a maximum filtration speed down to the last microliter, which enables a concentration of up to> 100 times. Ensuring the Vivaspin® Turbo range are typically the fastest centrifugal concentrators available on the market, in the 4 - 15mL volume range. The adhesive free, ultrasonic welding technology allows a smooth connection of the membrane to the plastic housing, which ensures a complete concentration of the sample in the pipette-friendly dead-stop reservoir. Robust and reliable housing materials used safeguards against extremes in temperatures, humidity and cleaning solvent exposures. Providing high chemical and environmental resistances for all regions. • Smooth and slim inner design, as well as large vertical twin membranes for quick and high concentration • High recovery rates> 95% • Polypropylene and styrene butadiene housing with high chemical compatibility and suitability for pH values from 1-14

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Die Kunden von Sartorius arbeiten hart daran, Medikamente zu entwickeln und herzustellen, die das Fortschreiten von Krankheiten heilen, verhindern oder stoppen. Um erfolgreich zu sein, verlassen sie sich auf Partner, die ihre aktuellen und zukünftigen Herausforderungen verstehen. Seit 150 Jahren steht die Marke Sartorius für innovative Produkte und Lösungen, die die Arbeit von Wissenschaftlern und Ingenieuren weltweit unterstützen. Dabei hat Satorius sich zunehmend darauf konzentriert, Durchbrüche in der Life-Science-Forschung und der Bioproduktion zu ermöglichen.

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