Preventing growth of microorganisms in IKA calorimeters, incubators and water baths
Many types of bacteria, fungus or yeast can easily multiply to high titers in tempered water. Microorganisms in water baths and incubators mean an increased risk of contamination. This results in biofilm formation and build-up in hoses or water filters, which negatively affect the function of the devices in the long term. The risk is reduced by frequently replacing the water, which is, however, time-consuming and impractical at times.
C 6000.1 Water protect was developed specifically for use in all IKA calorimeters, incubators, water baths and other devices. The product
effectively prevents the growth of microorganisms over a period of several weeks. The solution contains surfactants, quaternary ammonia compounds and chelating agents. This keeps the water tank clean and free of microorganisms. It also prevents lime build-up.
C 6000.1 Water protect contains a color indicator that turns from blue to yellow if there is microbial contamination, thus indicating the need to replace the water. C 6000.1 Water protect can be used immediately. The product contents contain no aldehydes or azide and does not evaporate. When used as instructed, the treated water remains free of microbial growth for up to four weeks.
Today's IKA factories were founded 1910 in Cologne as a trading company for pharmaceutical commodities Janke & Kunkel OHG. Starting in 1920, the company began to develop and manufacture laboratory and measuring instruments, electrolysis devices and other equipment for university and industrial laboratories. Today, the IKA Group has more than 900 employees at eight locations on four continents and is pleased about customers such as BASF, Bayer or Procter&Gamble. In most product groups, the IKA factories are the sovereign world market leader and a symbol of development and growth. Or as our new slogan puts it: "IKA - Designed to work perfectly.