The RV 3 Rotary Evaporator is the manual basic model in the family of IKA Rotation Evaporators. It finds a multitude of uses in the chemical, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology industries, in research and development, in manufacturing and quality assurance, in laboratories, and in plant construction. Digital displays for speed and heating bath temperature enable optimum control of all distillation processes.
New: 4 liter heating bath
integrated safety lift-out function in case of power failure
water heating bath with carrying handles
locking button for fixing heating bath temperature
locking mechanism: red indicator shows unlocked position of the vapor tube
flask clamping mechanism with integrated push-off function for easy exchange of evaporation flasks
manual lift for precise positioning of the glassware
adjustable immersion angle
single-handed manual lift handling, suitable for left and tight-handed operators
speed range: 5 - 300 min-1
low device voltage (24V) ensures user safety
compatible with the entire range of IKA RV 10 glassware
Package description: With heating bath HB eco and RV 10.40 dry ice condenser coated glassware set
Today's IKA factories were founded 1910 in Cologne as a trading company for pharmaceutical commodities Janke & Kunkel OHG. Starting in 1920, the company began to develop and manufacture laboratory and measuring instruments, electrolysis devices and other equipment for university and industrial laboratories. Today, the IKA Group has more than 900 employees at eight locations on four continents and is pleased about customers such as BASF, Bayer or Procter&Gamble. In most product groups, the IKA factories are the sovereign world market leader and a symbol of development and growth. Or as our new slogan puts it: "IKA - Designed to work perfectly.