Kern Density determination set
- Order No.: 1945174
- Manufacturer Art. No.: YDB-03
|-Dichtebestimmung von Flüssigkeiten und Feststoffen mit Dichte <=/>= 1|-|-Passend für alle KERN Analysenwaagen, außer ADB|-|-Lieferumfang: Becherglas, Thermometer, Probenhalter, Adapter, Ausgleichsgewichte, Senkkörper (Edelstahl, 20 g), Universal-Tauchkorb für schwimmende und sinkende Festkörper. Der Draht des Tauchkorbes hat einen Durchmesser von 0,5 mm und entspricht somit den Anforderung DIN EN ISO 1183-1 (Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Dichte von nicht verschäumten Kunststoffen)
Mechanikus Gottlieb KERN founded his company in 1844 and manufactured the most accurate scales of his time from the very beginning. Its operation became the nucleus of the internationally known precision balance construction in southern Germany. Today we are certified according to the latest DIN ISO 9001:2008 for accurate weighing with 175 years of experience and commitment to quality. The KERN brand stands for precision and reliability. We are a medium-sized family business in the 8th district. Generation based in Southern Germany. KERN is completely independent and committed to no one but our customers. We are active worldwide and have been associated with many of our customers for decades.