Sartorius Vivapure LentiSELECT 40 - 245X180X165
- Order No.: 1927902
- Manufacturer Art. No.: VS-LVPQ040
Vivapure LentiSELECT 40 is optimally suited for lentivirus purification from up to 40 ml cell culture and contains all components necessary for four purifications. Up to 8 x 108 viral particles are recovered in less than one hour. In contrast to traditional ultracentrifugation methods, virus purification with Vivapure LentiSELECT is fast and simple, without the requirement of expensive equipment like an ultracentrifuge. Additionally, this chromatographic procedure leads to pure virus samples in contrast to the crude ultracentrifuge pellet, for achieving higher reproducibility and increased gene transfer efficiency. Fast Non-toxic Better purity than pelleting by ultracentrifugation Convienient Cost effective
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